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Calculator footprint crime





版本需求:Android 1.6 以上版本


Calculator footprint crime(圖1)-速報App

I'm a criminal science, is a police investigator with years of experience working in the scene examination of criminal cases.

In cases such as murder, theft of assets when calculating the height of the required object queries related to the case when the size of the footprints left at the scene, or footwear marks left at the scene.

I have developed applications and calibration calculations in your database so that the result is the most accurate calculations.

Calculator footprint crime(圖2)-速報App

The calculation of height makes the investigation of criminal cases faster and investigators, detectives can calculate the height of the object at the scene with a smart phone. \

My research Cacsn calculation results help achieve high accuracy and confidence.

Applications developed by Hoang Nguyen. Used to

Calculator footprint crime(圖3)-速報App

calculate the height of the crime or of someone from

footprints, marks left at the scene thick. Calculation

results are approximations used in eliminating crime or

Calculator footprint crime(圖4)-速報App

used for the purposes of scientific research.

Calculator footprint crime(圖5)-速報App